Sojourn Logo Micro-Corrections
identity design
Sojourn Collective consulted with an agency to produce a refreshed brand in 2018. The agency updated Sojourn’s fleur-de-lis as shown below. It’s an attractive mark, but I noticed a few issues with their lines.
Here’s the original logo we received. See if you can spot the mistakes before you scroll down.
I noticed something funky about some of the curves: a digital curve should be 100% smooth, but our fleur-de-lis had some odd straight portions (marked by black lines) and bumps (marked by red Xs). It wasn’t clean.
Here’s what I saw when I dropped the logo into Illustrator. Sure enough, the edges and bumps were a product of misplaced anchor points—too many in some areas and not enough in others.
Here’s how I corrected the logo. Notice how this version uses fewer anchor points overall, especially on the tops of the arms. As a result, the arms now terminate in perfect spirals.
Here the two logos are placed on top of each other—old in blue, new in red. Very small changes. Keep scrolling for the final product.
Drumroll, please …